Protester Justin Jones Disrupted Blackburn Rally After Hearing What He Called An ‘Evil Prayer’ for President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh

Left wing protester Justin Jones, who was arrested and booked in Nashville late Wednesday night on charges of criminal trespassing and resisting arrest for his disruption of a Marsha Blackburn rally in Nashville’s CabaRay Theater on Sunday, offered this insight into his conduct at that rally during an in-studio interview Tuesday morning on KSMS 92Q’s Kenny Smoov’s Morning Show:

“I’ve never heard an evil prayer. And literally, before we were kicked out and thrown out, they had a prayer. And I’m in Divinity School. I’m studying to be a pastor. And we prayed for evilness. We prayed for a president who’s preying, P R E Y I N G, on our communities,” Jones told Smoov and the 92Q listening audience.

“We prayed for Kavanaugh, who we know was accused of multiple instances of sexual assault, and instead of praying for the victims and survivors of those attacks, we prayed for this man, who is controversial,” he continued.

“And we prayed for border walls. I said, the God I serve builds bridges and not walls,” Jones added.

You can watch the full video of Jones’ interview here: (Jones’ “evil prayer” comments begin at about 04:14 and continue to 04:48.)


The Tennessee Star was in attendance at Sunday’s rally, and recorded the prayer Jones referenced in his Tuesday interview, which was delivered at the Blackburn rally Sunday by the GOP’s Sixth Congressional District nominee John Rose.

Here is the full transcript of Rose’s prayer at the rally:

Dear heavenly father we thank you for this beautiful day.

Thank you for all the abundant blessings that you bestow upon our country.

Lord, as we come to you today in prayer, we pray that you will guide and direct each of us in our daily lives.  That you will help us to understand your will and your hopes and dreams for us.  And that you will help us achieve them and to remain faithful to your word and to your call.

Lord, we say a special prayer today for those that  stand in harm’s way to protect the freedoms and liberties that we enjoy as Americans.  We ask that you would watch over those who are standing abroad to protect this nation and we ask that you will be with all of our first responders who put themselves in harm’s way to protect each of us and protect our freedoms and our way of life.

Lord, we ask today that you would pour out your special blessings upon our leaders, including our President Donald Trump. And Lord we want to say a special prayer today for our newest Supreme Court Justice, Brett Kavanaugh and his family, who have endured a very difficult time in their quest to help to safeguard the principles that we hold dear as Americans.  Lord we pray each day that you would continue to bless this great nation. 

To watch over, lead guide and direct us, in Jesus name,we pray, Amen.

Notably, Rose made no mention of “border walls,” as Jones claimed in his Tuesday interview with 92Q.

Jones was apparently asked to leave the private event shortly after Rose’s prayer concluded, and he refused to do so. When police were called in to remove him from the event, Jones resisted, and subsequently resisted arrest as well, as The Tennessee Star documented extensively in this earlier report.

You can hear the full audio of John Rose’s prayer here:






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5 Thoughts to “Protester Justin Jones Disrupted Blackburn Rally After Hearing What He Called An ‘Evil Prayer’ for President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh”

  1. Traditional Thinker

    Satan has preachers, priests,and prophets as well. Maybe JJ should be examined as to his affiliation.

    1. Nonaks9

      Perhaps you should be examined for your “Traditional Thinking,” since that’s exactly the kind of lazy blasphemous rhetoric Jesus Christ railed against.

  2. lb

    All this guy knows are his talking point political agenda ideas–he is dumb as a doorknob but also violent. Dangerous combination–I dont see a good future for this young man

  3. joseph

    Nehemiah 6:14-16 CSB
    The Wall Completed

    [15] The wall was completed in fifty-two days, on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul. [16] When all our enemies heard this, all the surrounding nations were intimidated and lost their confidence, for they realized that this task had been accomplished by our God.

  4. John Bumpus

    The young ‘Reverend’ might want to read I Timothy 2: 1-3. Similarly, see Ezra 6:10. These are scripture passages from both the New and Old Testaments of the Bible.

    Also, it seems to me that the young ‘Reverend’ seems to be factually challenged a lot.
